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The Friendship of a Lion and a Mouse

The Friendship of a Lion and a Mouse

There lived a tiny mouse in a big dense forest that was always in search of food. While searching in the forest, one day, it came near a lion's den. The good smell coming from the lion's den drew the little mouse inside it. The mouse found several pieces of animal meat on the floor. Those were all the leftovers of the animal the lion had eaten. Therefore, the mouse ate few pieces.

Later, it decided to eat the other pieces at night, so it stayed back in the den. Due to over eating, the mouse fell asleep inside the den. The lion returned to its den at dark but could not see the sleeping mouse as it was dark inside the den. The lion ate the entire piece of lamb it had brought and left the bones lying on the floor. After a sumptuous filling meal, the lion slept off and started snoring aloud.

The loud snoring sounds woke the mouse up with a sudden jerk. When the mouse saw the lion sleeping in the den, he got scared and puzzled, and accidentally bumped in to the lion's leg.

The mouse felt the smooth fur of the lion's body. While exploring it, the mouse reached the lion's ear and this led to waking up the lion. The disturbed lion, agitated, snorted loudly. "Who is it?" The frightened mouse declared his identity with a feeble voice. The lion was furious as it got disturbed during his sleep. So he said, "How dare you disturb my sleep and where are you?"

When the mouse responded, the lion had to light up a lamp as it was very dark inside the den and he could not possible see a tiny creature like a mouse.

With the light, the lion looked at his clean den. It was devoid of any bones or leftover meat. Moreover, there was no usual stink in the den due to the animal leftover meat and other stuff. He was quite amazed.

In one corner, the lion looked at the petty little mouse. The mouse was shivering with fear. So the lion pondered for a while about how the mouse had managed to keep the den clean. Therefore, he decided that he would keep the mouse in his den so that it can have the leftover meat and bones. That much food will be more than sufficient for the mouse and this will also keep his den stink-free and tidy.
